JAN 2014





Eating right for your particular constitution will ensure you stay
clear & bright throughout the
winter season!

Mushroom Nut Burger Recipe



David Simon

The change of the Chinese New Year on January 31st marks the anniversary of the death of a beloved mentor, colleague & friend to the Center, Dr. David Simon.

In our every day sharing of his wisdom & knowledge through our Freedom From Addiction curriculum, we recognize the importance & potential impact of deciding to share the truth of who we are with compassion & integrity. 


Our Current Programs


Alive & Well in 2014  


The practice of letting go of the old with both ease & grace creates space for what we might wish to welcome in.
We gratefully warm our hearts by the fire of transformations that have happened here throughout 2013, and welcome the pure potential of this moment, along with its power to create the realities of the year ahead.
If there is mending to do, let us gently move towards it.
If what we are holding onto is heavy and needs release - let us lay down our burden & rest.
If there are dreams we hold close, let us open to them, and then seek out the tools and resources necessary to give birth to them.

We encourage you to forward this email to those you feel may benefit from our specialized services.

Wellness Staff
Nirmala & Lauren - Victoria Health Show
2013 is a memory & 2014
the journey ahead.
Any time we spend in regret of the past or worry for the future, we block our ability to feel pleasure in the present moment. 
Let us begin this journey with creativity, courage and conviction, knowing that our efforts will lead us on a path of healing, health and happiness.  
So let us put our intention into this, pay daily attention to it, & allow the universe to work out the details.

Founder ~ Nirmala Raniga 
     Engaging Change


"Real change is accompanied by a new insight.

Insight is an impulse of love dissolving some old imprint.


The best way to manifest your reality is to surrender to uncertainty with subtle intention.


To be healthy, healed and holy are the same phenomenon ~ the return to the memory of wholeness."


~ Dr. Deepak Chopra